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Reporting API

Work with statistics through API

It is possible to get the same statistics that you see on the Dashboard, programmatically in JSON format.

We provide the same data and allow you to narrow the output in the same way as on the Dashboard.

Getting started with our API is easy. Use your API key and User ID in requests to the Appodeal system.

Your access credentials

Please use your API key and your User ID for every request. They are available under the API Credentials tab in your Appodeal profile.

Quick example

Statistics for the week from May 13 to May 19 detailed by date can be obtained using this request:<API key>&user_id=<User ID>&date_from=2019-05-13&date_to=2019-05-19&detalisation%5B%5D=date

Request parameters

The API has several parameters that allow you to narrow your requests:

date_from - the first date to include statistics for. This parameter is mandatory and should be in format 'YYYY-mm-dd'.

date_to - the last date to include statistics for. This parameter is mandatory and should be in format 'YYYY-mm-dd'. It cannot be less than date_from.

app[] - the application key to get statistics for or ALL. If omitted, the statistics of all of your apps and apps shared with you are calculated. You may use one per request.

country[] - the country ISO 2-characters code or ALL. The default is ALL - includes the statistics for all countries. You may use one per request.

network[] - the network you want to get statistics for. Possible values are (you may use several per request):

  • ALL - All networks’ data will be included in the statistics output. This is the default value if the parameter is omitted
  • adcolony - narrows the resulting statistics to AdColony (Ad Network)
  • admob - narrows the resulting statistics to Admob (Ad Network)
  • directoffer - narrows the resulting statistics to Ad Server Campaigns
  • amazon - narrows the resulting statistics to Amazon Ads (Ad Network)
  • applovin - narrows the resulting statistics to Applovin (Ad Network)
  • avocarrot - narrows the resulting statistics to Avocarrot (Ad Exchange)
  • backfill - narrows the resulting statistics to Backfill
  • chartboost - narrows the resulting statistics to Chartboost (Ad Network)
  • facebook - narrows the resulting statistics to Facebook (Ad Network)
  • flurry - narrows the resulting statistics to Flurry (Ad Network)
  • google_dfp - narrows the resulting statistics to Google DFP (Ad Network)
  • inmobi - narrows the resulting statistics to InMobi (Ad Network)
  • inneractive - narrows the resulting statistics to Inneractive (Ad Exchange)
  • iron_source - narrows the resulting statistics to IronSource (Ad Network)
  • mintegral - narrows the resulting statistics to Mintegral (Ad Network)
  • mopub - narrows the resulting statistics to MoPub (Ad Exchange)
  • my_target - narrows the resulting statistics to MyTarget (Ad Network)
  • ogury - narrows the resulting statistics to Ogury (Ad Network)
  • openx - narrows the resulting statistics to OpenX (Ad Exchange)
  • pubnative - narrows the resulting statistics to PubNative (Ad Network)
  • appodeal - narrows the resulting statistics to Service Messages
  • smaato - narrows the resulting statistics to Smaato (Ad Exchange)
  • smaato_sdk - narrows the resulting statistics to Smaato SDK (Ad Exchange)
  • startapp - narrows the resulting statistics to StartApp (Ad Network)
  • tapjoy - narrows the resulting statistics to Tapjoy (Ad Network)
  • testads - narrows the resulting statistics to Test Ads
  • unity - narrows the resulting statistics to Unity Ads (Ad Network)
  • vungle - narrows the resulting statistics to Vungle (Ad Network)
  • yandex - narrows the resulting statistics to Yandex (Ad Network)
  • AllInOneMedia - narrows the resulting statistics to All in One Media (Ad Network)
  • rocket10 - narrows the resulting statistics to Rocket 10 (Ad Network)
  • tremor - narrows the resulting statistics to Tremor (Ad Network)
  • vdopia - narrows the resulting statistics to Vdopia (Ad Network)
  • vhub - narrows the resulting statistics to Vihub (Ad Network)
  • exchange_sdk_adtelligent - narrows the resulting statistics to Adtelligent (DSP)
  • exchange_sdk_altamob - narrows the resulting statistics to Altamob (DSP)
  • exchange_sdk_amadoad - narrows the resulting statistics to Amadoad (DSP)
  • exchange_sdk_app_growth - narrows the resulting statistics to AppGrowth (DSP)
  • exchange_sdk_applift - narrows the resulting statistics to Applift (DSP)
  • exchange_sdk_appnext - narrows the resulting statistics to Appnext (DSP)
  • exchange_sdk_appreciate - narrows the resulting statistics to Appreciate (DSP)
  • exchange_sdk_avazu - narrows the resulting statistics to Avazu (DSP)
  • exchange_sdk_axonix - narrows the resulting statistics to Axonix (DSP)
  • exchange_sdk_beeline_programmatic - narrows the resulting statistics to Beeline Programmatic (DSP)
  • exchange_sdk_bidease - narrows the resulting statistics to BIDEASE (DSP)
  • exchange_sdk_bucksense - narrows the resulting statistics to Bucksense (DSP)
  • exchange_sdk_criteo - narrows the resulting statistics to Criteo (DSP)
  • exchange_sdk_edge226 - narrows the resulting statistics to Edge226 (DSP)
  • exchange_sdk_engage_first_impression - narrows the resulting statistics to Engage (DSP)
  • exchange_sdk_epom - narrows the resulting statistics to Epom (DSP)
  • exchange_sdk_fractional_media - narrows the resulting statistics to Fractional Media (DSP)
  • exchange_sdk_getintent - narrows the resulting statistics to Getintent (DSP)
  • exchange_sdk_getloyal_dsp - narrows the resulting statistics to Getloyal DSP (DSP)
  • exchange_sdk_hybrid_dsp - narrows the resulting statistics to Hybrid DSP (DSP)
  • exchange_sdk_hyper_adx - narrows the resulting statistics to HyperAdx (DSP)
  • exchange_sdk_index_exchange - narrows the resulting statistics to Index Exchange (DSP)
  • exchange_sdk_jampp - narrows the resulting statistics to Jampp (DSP)
  • exchange_sdk_kayzen - narrows the resulting statistics to Kayzen
  • exchange_sdk_lead_bolt - narrows the resulting statistics to LeadBolt (DSP)
  • exchange_sdk_liftoff - narrows the resulting statistics to Liftoff (DSP)
  • exchange_sdk_liquid_m - narrows the resulting statistics to LiquidM (DSP)
  • exchange_sdk_manage_com - narrows the resulting statistics to (DSP)
  • exchange_sdk_mobvista - narrows the resulting statistics to Mintegral (DSP)
  • exchange_sdk_oxonux_digital_media_pvt_ltd - narrows the resulting statistics to Oxonux Digital Media Pvt Ltd (DSP)
  • exchange_sdk_persona_ly - narrows the resulting statistics to (DSP)
  • exchange_sdk_pubnative - narrows the resulting statistics to Pubnative (DSP)
  • exchange_sdk_rubicon - narrows the resulting statistics to Rubicon (DSP)
  • exchange_sdk_solo_math - narrows the resulting statistics to SoloMath (DSP)
  • exchange_sdk_test_agency - narrows the resulting statistics to TestAgency (DSP)
  • **exchange_sdk_woobi - narrows the resulting statistics to Woobi (DSP)
  • exchange_sdk_x_ad - narrows the resulting statistics to xAd (DSP)
  • exchange_sdk_yeahmobi - narrows the resulting statistics to Yeahmobi (DSP)
  • exchange_sdk_zorka_mobi_1 - narrows the resulting statistics to Zorka Mobi (DSP)

detalisation[] - requires the detalisation of the data, available options include (you may use several in one request):

  • date - splits the statistics by date.
  • app - splits the statistics by application. You'll have application keys in the output.
  • country - splits the statistics by country. You'll have country code in the output.
  • network - splits the statistics by network. You'll have network names in the output (the same as for network parameter).
  • banner_type - splits the statistics by ad type (e.g. interstitial, video, baner, native, mrec, rewarded video).
  • segment - splits the statistics by segment.
  • placement - splits the statistics by placement.
  • include_shared_apps - if non-zero value has been passed, the output will include the apps shared with you by other users (see this page for details)
  • skip_direct - do not include Ad Server campaigns into the result statistics . 1 - to skip direct campaigns, 0 - do not skip this statistics.

More examples

Statistics for last week filtered by dates and applications:<API key>&user_id=<User ID>&date_from=2019-02-07&date_to=2019-02-14&detalisation[]=date&detalisation[]=app

Statistics for yesterday filtered by applications and ad networks:<API key>&user_id=<User ID>&date_from=2019-02-13&date_to=2019-02-13&detalisation[]=app&network[]=appodeal&network[]=admob


As statistical requests can be quite complex, it can take some time to arrange all the data requested.

Therefore, we are using a delayed delivery approach in this part of our API. This means that in response to your request, the API will provide you with task_id parameter you can use to track the readiness of the information.

To use this task_id, you need to put a get request to the\<API key\>&user_id=\<User ID\>&task_id=\<task_id\>

As soon as the information is prepared, you may take it using this call:<API key>&user_id=<User ID>&task_id=<task_id>

Based on your request, the server will respond with .json file containing requested statistics. It also contains the code "zero" for success and "non-zero" for error followed by textual message describing the status. The statistical data is contained in the data output parameter. It is an array of output elements that always contains requestsfillsimpressionsfillrateclicksctrrevenueecpm parameters, also can contain app_keyapp_namecountry_codenetworkdate in accordance with the detalisation requested.

Sometimes the answer may be extensive, in this case you will receive an error message: "The file is large. Please use the option `disposition=attachment` in the query to download the file."

{"code":0,"message":"success","url": "< link_for_download >"}

Applications manage API

We have a nice option for our users to allow them to work with applications (find, create or update) through the API.

The main principles are really the same - you need to use your api_key and user_id to authenticate and then pass parameters you need.

The applications API works only through POST requests.

You should send the POST requests to Be sure to include all required parameters to the request.

Creating the application

In order to create new application using the API, pass the following parameters:

platform - 1 for Google, 2 for Amazon, 4 for iOS.

bundle_id - the bundle_id (package name) of your application.

name - the name of your application. If it is absent, the bundle_id is used.

is_game - 1 if your application is a game, any other value or no value if not. Default is 0.

orientation - one of the 'both', 'landscape', 'portrait'.

is_for_kids - 1 - if the application is aimed for kids, 0 (or just skip) if not.

coppa - 1 - if the application is COPPA complaint, 0 (or just skip) if not.

filter_mature_content - 1 - filter ads with mature content, 0 (or just skip) if not.

Please note:

Do not pass app_key parameter! If you do, the API will search for the application, not create it.

Editing the application

Users are allowed to change application name and application orientation only. Pass the app_key and one or both of name and orientation parameters to update them.