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MyTarget is the Top20 global advertising network.

Minimum requirements:

Make sure you haven't excluded MyTarget from Appodeal SDK. It is included by default.


For MyTarget, you can use either Appodeal Default Account or you can connect your MyTarget Account to Appodeal. You can read more about these options here

**Appodeal Default Account: **

  • You need to full fill the requirements, which you can find in your App Settings -> Mediation Settings -> Line Items in your Appodeal account. 

**Your MyTarget Account: **

  • Complete the steps below to link your MyTarget account

 Step 1. Prepare MyTarget account

  1. Register in MyTarget service as a partner and confirm your account via email. If you already have a MyTarget account, skip this step.

The MyTarget account must be initially set as a Monetization account. You can't change type of MyTarget account once it's created.
Please choose USD currency on MyTarget side if possible as Appodeal uses USD currency.

  1. Go to the MyTarget dashboard and accept the Terms of Service Agreement.

  2. Add apps and ad units you want to monetize with MyTarget. Go to DashboardApps and click the Create appbutton:

  1. Enter app name and iTunes or Google Play URL for the app and the parameters of the app.
    Then create the first ad unit:

img src="../../img/attachments/networks-setup/mytarget/108855447.png" alt="Ad Unit Mytarget" width="600" />

  1. Enter the description of the ad unit and select SDK/Javascript or In-app-bidding if you want to use bidding, then click Add Ad Unit.
  1. The new block will appear in the list on the Apps tab. Click the name to view the app data.
  1. After the successful completion of moderation, the status of the block will change to "Working".

  2. Select Create Ad Unit to create more for different ad types.


There are no price floors for any MyTarget placement by default. If you want to set it, you have to request a price floor from MyTarget manager or use Appodeal account.

1.  Get Token from your MyTarget account.


MyTarget provides reporting API, which helps to get MyTarget performance data for publisher sites and apps automatically.

To obtain Reporting API access you need to get an access token:

  1. Open Access Tokens settings page in MyTarget account.
  2. Create new or get a current Reporting API token.
  3. Copy access token
  1. Add your MyTarget account to Appodeal. To do this follow this link → go to MyTarget → Link your account and add email for MyTarget account and API access token.

 Step 3. Create line items for your app

  1. Go to Line Items in app settings.

You need the following information to link your app and ad unit:

  • PadGroupId
  • Placement ID
  • Slot ID

You can find all that info on ad units list in MyTarget dashboard.

  1. Choose your MyTarget account, fill in PadGroupId and press the Add line item button.

  2. Fill in the following information:

  • Line Item label (a name for your ad unit in Appodeal dashboard)
  • Countries
  • eCPM (manual ad unit's position in the waterfall or enable automatic mode)
  • Slot ID
  • Placement ID

Please check the currency of MyTarget CPM floor

Appodeal uses USD currency.

Keep this in mind when linking MyTarget ad unit in Add line item menu.

  1. Make sure to choose the correct mode. If you have bidding mode on Mytarget side then turn on the toggle to use bidding.

  2. After creating line items, save the changes.


Make sure that the newly created line item is marked as enabled (the toggle is on “ON”).

 Step 4. How To Receive Live Ads


MyTarget serves ads only to users in Russia and the CIS. 

  1. Make sure your app has been moderated, the status next to your app should be green
  2. Make sure to fill out the payment details.
  3. Make sure you have selected the correct type of integration:
    • SDK / javascript - for classic mode
    • in-app bidding - for bidding mode
  4. In order to receive ads you need to install the Odnoklassniki (Android, iOS)app on your phone.
  5. Turn on VPN and choose Russia.
  6. Launch the Odnoklassniki application and scroll through the feed until an advertising banner appears.
  7. Then you can launch your application and try to show MyTarget ads.

 Step 5. Update app-ads.txt file


Be sure to set up app-ads.txt to help bidders and advertisers identify whether or not ad inventory is being sold by authorized sellers.

  1. If you implemented the app-ads.txt file, you should add the MyTarget account line. To get one, read the official documentation in your Profile Settings.  
  1. After you have copied the lines from MyTarget, you need to insert them after #MyTarget line and replace ours (all lines in #MyTarget section) with yours.
  1. Save changes and wait at least 24 hours for ad networks to crawl and verify your app-ads.txt file.

Now you can monetize with MyTarget through Appodeal.